Thumbs up for Papaya Films’ Nicholas Caicoya’s PlayOJO TVC

It’s all about the thrill and enjoyment that online bingo can bring in the latest commercial produced by Papaya Films. The project titled Play OJO Bingo is a quirky comical piece directed by Nico Caicoya in association with creative agency McCann Demand.

The aim of the launch is to target a new player demographic. With OJO putting a strong emphasis on fairness and accessibility for newcomers and seasoned players. 

Lemonade caught up with Nicolas Caicoya to discuss how he brought this campaign to life:

‘The visual style of the TV campaign is bright and colourful in both aesthetics and narrative, from the warmth of the set design to the controlled camera work and friendly voice-over, which all comes together to provide a cohesive and playful story. ‘


Nico continues:

‘The characters are key to any story with the film representing the diversity of the UK, in both age and ethnicity, we get to see a varied mix of personalities from all walks of life. The diverse cast we had really helped elevate the story with each of them providing their comedic talents and big personalities. The cast we had really helped elevate the story with each of them providing their comedic talents making the shoots feel more natural and a fun to film.’ 

Nico concludes:

‘Working on this project was a blast from start to finish, with a nice relaxing but professional environment. The shoots were a joy to do especially when working with such a diverse and quirky cast of characters.’


Title: Play OJO Bingo

Client: OJO Bingo

Agency: McCann Demand

Creative Director: Rob Steeles

Creative Team: James Hobbs & Jeremy Little

Agency Producer: Gabrielle Flanagan

Production Company: Papaya Films

Director: Nico Caicoya

Executive Producer: Wojtek Skiba

Producer: Rupert Greaves

DP: Pedro Del Rey

Production Designer: Antonio Piciulo

Costume Designer: Marcin Zak

Postproduction: Coffee & TV