TWICE Pictures Expands Its Roster with the Addition of Commercial & TV Director Peter Lydon

Production company Twice Pictures, the newest addition to Lemonade Reps, announced its expansion today, adding Peter Lydon to its incredible plethora of directing talent.

Peter Lydon successfully moves between commercials and high-profile TV drama, blending great performances with a cinematic eye.  As a commercials director he has clocked up work for brands like Carlsberg, Ikea, Sky, VW, DHL and Mercedes. He’s directed major names like Al Pacino, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Beckham, Mads Mikkelsen, Joanna Lumley, and Jose Mourinho.

Peter had this to say about joining Twice: “I got to know Bugsy and Twice Pictures when I went freelance a couple of years ago. I loved his energy and forward thinking and could see that he and Rhys at Twice understood the fast changing production landscape. I felt that they could give me a strong and supportive platform for my work in the UK while still remaining freelance. I’m looking forward to what we can achieve together”

Watch Peter’s latest work, the first of 3 films for Topps, starring Jose Mourinho:


Director: Peter Lydon

Producer: Julian Pfretzschner

DOP: Tim Höddinghaus

Production Designer: Anca Rafan

Editor: Hans Hartman

Music: Sacha Puttnam. 

27km Execs: Philip Huber Arne Totz  

Agency: Jung von Matt Sports

ECD: Alex Michaelsen

CD: Mattias Jahn

JvM: Felix Appelfeller  Kevin Claus

Cast: Claudio

Jeremy Lynch 

Omar Aamoum

Aaron Troschke 


Service Agency Rome: DudeFilm
