Builders Club explore the improvise, scavenge, protect and adapt design philosophy at Nike

Builders Club collaborates with Nike to launch their latest iconic ISPA collection. ISPA stands for: Improvise, scavenge, protect and adapt. They worked closely with Nike to create stories for five different products, exploring individual narratives in relation to the I, S, P, A stages.

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Builders Club takes the audience on a creative journey through the process of the creation of the Road Warrior. The film switches from low-fi to hi-fi, going through a range of sound effects and music, that juxtaposed cliche sounds such as an elevator jingle which elevates the comical feel of the film with the design elements. 

“This project was extremely collaborative and exciting for our team. The playful, experimental and hands-on tone for the ISPA world felt clearly set through these films, creating a new visual language for this distinctively individual design philosophy. We find ISPA is much aligned with our own process. Our team tackles design through unconventional and experimental ways of thinking. We loved working with the designers to understand the completely unorthodox methods used to decipher and explore the purpose, design and construction of a shoe - leading to entirely distinctive and disruptive designs. ISPA is bigger than product, it is a problem solving philosophy that can be used to tackle everyday problems, big and small. By loosening the reins on the animation style and allowing for a diverse amount of exploration, it really imbued the work with a humorous, exciting energy and empowered the team to really mirror the designer’s unique approaches.” - Merve Kurt, Creative Producer