Aardman take on water safety by creating Dammy The Beaver

Aardman have created a mascot named Dammy, a Canadian stop-motion beaver, who learns vital safety lessons in a tuneful animated video for Ontario Power Generation.

The 90 second film uses animation to ramp up the cuddly factor as the tale unfolds as a fable told in campfire song. "Dammy" spends his life in search of a big fish and one day he spies the perfect fish leaping from the water. The only problem is that it's precariously close to a hydro dam, and here the tale takes a perilous turn.

Ontario Power Generation’s goal is to promote safety and create awareness around the dangers of fishing and swimming too close to hydro dams and stations. Aimed at anglers, cottagers, water enthusiasts, and people who might discount the severity of risk, the campaign uses winsome animation, rustic appeal and nostalgia to make a connection. And if Dammy reminds you of another safety spokes-animal, the connection is intentional: Dammy was inspired by the image of Smokey the Bear, the classic fire-safety figure.

Director Magdalena Osinska said, “it was a dream to work on this project. Dammy the Beaver is a relatable and lovable underdog who has an important message to say: Stay away from dams and stay alive.”

You can watch the video on Ontario Power Generation’s Youtube Channel: 
