HELO helped light up the New York City skyline with 1000 drones for Projecting Change

On the 15th September the New York City skyline came to life with a spectacular drone show the one of a kind light show was spearheaded by Projecting Change The drone show highlighted a series of climate crises and environmental campaigns, including HELO’s very own TMRW project. TMWR, spearheaded by HELO founder Brendan Kiernan, is an initiative that aims to empower humanity towards an inclusive and sustainable future through the use of AI to imagine what that future could look like.

Brendan Kiernan says, “The goal of TMRW’s involvement in the Projecting Change drone show is to empower New Yorkers to believe that they have a role in shaping the future we want. Through the data and ideas we receive, we are aiming to create a coherent enough vision of that future to apply pressure on enterprise and governments to take action needed to move towards it.”

The show coincided with the 78th United Nations General Assembly and the UN - Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit and SDG Summit, sending a strong message to world leaders - and served as a kick-off for Climate Week.

Projecting Change had the support of sponsors Avaaz, Eat Differently, Ford Foundation, Nova Sky Stories, The Oceanic Preservation Society, TMRW, HOLTZMAN WILDLIFE FOUNDATION, Minds Over Matter Design LLC, Soren West Studios, Amazon Watch, 4H5H MEDIA, Krista Kleiner, The One Heart Movement and Fortescue, to draw attention to the global climate crisis and inspire action at scale.
