Missing Link Films director greg Bray makes a beautifully delicious tribute to all the KFC cravers of the world

Whether you're a midnight snacker or an unapologetic, caught in the act, actor, this hilarious new KFC commercial from Missing Link Films director Greg Bray is sure to make all the chicken lovers out there feel seen. It’s a true celebration of the KFC brand showcasing its golden crispy fried chicken and all of its secret recipe glory.

Greg brings the film to life with great camera work which is amplified by the wonderful cast of characters, each bringing their own unique “flavour” to the commercial, from a newly married couple enjoying a very romantic sharing bucket together to someone enjoying a wing by the pool. It all comes together to make for a wonderfully charming piece that’s sure to get the taste buds dancing.

Greg had this to say - “Two long nights in Bucharest, and trays and trays of finger lickin’ good chicken resulted in this nice anthem celebrating those who crave, and me putting on 2kgs (!) ensuring the chicken was cinematically tasty enough. This was shot with production company, STUDIOSET; the agency was McCann and DOP was the amazing Bobo Filip.”


Director: Greg Bray

Director’s Rep: Missing Link Films

Missing Link Films represented by Lemonade Reps

Agency: McCann

Production: Studio Set

EP: Irina Petrescu

DOP: Bobo Filip

Edit: Tom Vaida

Sound Design / Mix & Master : Richard Blaha

Color: Bogdan Jugu
